0840f217d85d78ee23e93c8748074bc8 How to protect your Data from Hackers on your smartphone - Keeping up with the Digital World

How to Protect your Phone from Hackers – Five security tips

Five security tips to keep people and apps from stealing your data.

This digital age has been one of the best ever, but the main problems with this age is the exposure of your information to hackers. It’s quite important that you check your phone regularly for unusual activities so that if you notice anything strange you’re able to save the situation before the Hackers gain access to sensitive information. Find below some of the signs.

Strange Background Noise

Your phone has most likely been hacked if you start noticing some strange noise during your phone call and it’s something you’ve never experienced before. This could mean that someone is listening to your conversation.

Your Phone is hot

Your phone is hot most especially if it hasn’t been used in a while, check your data usage because this could be a reason your phone is hot. A hacker might be using your data to scam people online.

Five security tips to keep people and apps from stealing your data.

Unusual Text Messages

If you notice unusual text messages or unusual phone calls, this could be a red flag and there are chances that your phone has been hacked. You should develop a habit of checking downloaded apps from time to time to make sure you haven’t got any unauthorised apps running in the background.

Loss of Control

Loss of control could be a sign that your phone has been hacked. Loss of control could be that you’re unable to switch off your phone or loss of volume controls, your phone could even start dialling random numbers.

Do regular check-up regarding text messages, phone calls and emails make sure that your phone has not been hacked.

Five security tips to keep people and apps from stealing your data.

Your battery drains within a short period

You need to make sure that this is not happening due to lots of apps running in the background. If this is not the case then it could mean that the Hacker is spying on you by running apps in the background. Close any unused app and delete any unauthorised ones. Some unauthorised apps are installed to collect data in the background and these data sold to advertising companies.

I know that the likes of the Android operating system and iOS do promise that your data are secure on your phone. In as much as they’ve made these promises, you also need to make sure that you play your own part as well by doing regular check ups on your device to make sure that no one has tampered with your phone.

Five security tips to keep people and apps from stealing your data.

The saying goes that prevention is better than cure, this is truer than ever, most especially in this digital age, therefore you want to make sure that you do not leave any stone unturned. You should be more concerned about your peace of mind than anything else good luck.





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