0840f217d85d78ee23e93c8748074bc8 How to protect your privacy on your Mobile Devices - Keeping up with the Digital World

How to protect your privacy on your Mobile Devices

planning apps

Do not be deceived to think that your smartphone is protected from Hackers. Operating system platforms such as Android and iOS and other platforms do assure their customers that their data is protected from Hackers.

This is true, but at the same time you also need to know that the smarter your operating system becomes the smarter the hackers also become. The operating system has a role to play and you also have a role to play this article will enlighten you about the signs that could give an indication that your phone has been hacked.

It’s your duty to make sure that your data are protected by doing regular checks on your phone, mainly because the data on your phone are yours. You might think that all the data on your phone is 100 percent secured, but a wrong move on your side could even expose your phone to hackers.

To reduce the potential risk of your phone being hacked and also to prevent it from happening again, then let’s start with the things that you need to look out for to prevent any mishap.

Free Wi-Fi Spots

We all get excited when we find free Wi-Fi spots most especially at airports and restaurants. If you use any of this Wi-Fi It means that you could easily share your sensitive information with people around you. You will have to decide if it is worth the price of using a free unprotected Wi-Fi support in exchange for sensitive information that could lead to a stressful life.

Unknown USB

Are you aware that if you charge your phone with an unknown USB on an aeroplane or in a car you risk exposing your data? Which could be easily reviewed and transferred to order devices? Even though smart phones come with different security features, it’s always better to take precautions rather than doing damaged control.

Live Streaming

If your phone is live streaming without your knowledge, Hacker could easily access your device and reveal all the activities taking place on your phone by broadcasting everything over the internet. The two major ways to detect if this has been happening is if your phone is getting unusually hot and the battery is constantly down to the last juice within a short period of time.

Deceptive Apps

Some apps offer peace of mind such as helping parents to monitor their children’s activities, or helping business owners to monitor staff’s activities. Some of these apps could be legit, but some will also monitor user’s activities and gather information about them for marketing purposes. On the other hand, if a Hackers gain access to a device, all these people’s information will be at his fingertips.

If a hacker gain access to your smartphone he could take control over your phone within few minutes. This is usually done by installing such app as mobile tracker that will record incoming and outgoing phone calls, record your text messages, and these apps can also track your GPS location.



Author: appleguide

Apple Products is published by Richard Lawal Richard Lawal. Learn more about apipadmactouch.co.uk/ap

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