Meditation Apps best to get you through difficult times
Anxiety is a major part of life which is caused by different situations and circumstances. As long as you’re human and live on this planet, Anxiety is an issue that you will have to deal with from time to time. It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor, young or old, Anxiety does not discriminate just like death, it will always knock on your door.
The good news is there are way to deal with Anxiety so that whatever you have to deal with doesn’t become overwhelming whereby the situation takes over your life and you’re no longer in control.
If anxiety takes over your life be rest assured that you will lose focus and your productivity level will drop drastically. It’s very easy for anxiety to take over your life, on the other hand it will take a lot of efforts to get your life back together.
This is why it’s imperative that you prevent anxiety from taking over rather than the other way round. Anxiety mostly occurs due to stress and stress occurs because there’s a situation that threatens to alter our life in a way that will bring pain and sadness. The best way to be in charge is learning how to avoid being stressed so that you can have a clear mind that will help you to think clearly.
You don’t have to enrol in any course or rely on medication like a lot of people do, although it might be advisable to visit a professional if you’ve lost it completely. As long as you know that you are not at that stage yet, then all you need to do is download one of the best meditation’s apps to your smart phones or tablet and learn how to relax.
Meditation Apps best to get you through difficult times
In this content we’ve listed 10 of the best meditation apps that will teach you how to deal with being anxious and always be in control. There are lots of meditation apps, but with these ten you should get one that will meet your needs. The design and interface might be something that helps you to decide the one to get.
- Serenity
This app exposes various meditation and mindfulness guide that teaches
you how to reduce being anxious and eliminate being stressed. You will learn the following:
- Mindfulness
- Self-improvement
- Value
- Different techniques
You can expand your knowledge with the seven days free guide
Some of the Features
- Sound sleep
- Tranquillity – Sound
- Peaceful music
- Relaxation techniques
- Exercise
- Meditation
- Calming techniques
- Let’s Meditate
This app is very straightforward, meditation tracks can be downloaded to your device, record your sessions, and monitor your progress. The app helps you to get good sleep, relief you of stress and other mental disorder and recharge within five minutes.
Some of the Features
Meditation track and relaxation journey are outlined for easy reference
There are many options for dealing with:
- Anxiety
- Body scans
- Healing
- Sleep
- And many more.
You can meditate between 5 minutes and up to 40 minutes anytime and anywhere. Download meditation tracks and use them offline to save battery and data usage.
- Sadhguru
This is a spiritual meditation app, and you can connect with Isha and
Sadhguru through your mobile phone and tablet. There are also articles that offer you more knowledge, listen to podcasts and watch motivational videos by Sadhguru.
Some of the Features
Explore different topics from the app such as:
- Business success
- Relationship improvement
- Health care
- Stress free lifestyle
- Fitness
This app also gives you access to:
- Sadhguru’s daily mystic quotes
- New yoga lessons
- Weekly sadhguru sport
- Comes in 8 regional languages
- Receive the latest content on your phone
- Topics about self-improvement and stress relieving
- Keep Yoga
- 400+ asanas
- 10+ yoga session plans
- Seven meditation courses
Some of the Features
- Better immune system
- Good quality sleep
- Calmness
- Body flexibility
- More
You will set your own pace to suit your need irrespective of if you are a beginner or a Pro.
More Features
- Voice guidance
- Detailed description
- Professional videos
- Set goals
- Weight loss
- Mental health improvement
- History log
- Good for beginners
- Simple Habit

This is an award-winning app:
- 2018 Google play award stands out for a wellbeing app
- 2018 Google material design award
- 2017 Google’s play best app
Spend five to twenty minutes with the app and you could receive wellness and sleeping training from renowned:
- Psychologists
- Therapists
- Mental health Professionals
Get a good sound sleep with simple habit by practising various meditation and mindfulness activities.
Some of the Features
- Guide from Professionals
- Simple habit comes with on the Go feature
- Anxiety management
- Stress management
- Relaxation techniques
- Manage depression
- Stay motivated
- Inspiration
Are you looking for the right tool that leads to?
- Happiness
- Stability
- Sound sleep
- Stress control
- Anxiety control programme
- Tutorial
Look no further because tutorial are hosted by Professionals like Headspace co-founder Andy Puddicombe.
You will learn how to practice:
- Breathing techniques
- Anxiety control
- Many more
Some of the Features
Tutorial about:
- Stress management
- Pregnancy
- Coping with cancer
- Leaving home
- Restlessness
- Many more
- Boost productivity
- Burn calories
- Wake up features
- Inspirational messages
- Sleep cast
- Wind down
- Sleep music
- My Life Meditation

This app teaches you how to manage your feelings. Being in control of our feelings is one of the best things anyone will ever achieve. It helps to avoid lot of problems and extremely good for damaged control.
Some of the Features
- Develop good habits
- Manage your emotions
- Manage your feelings
- Anger management
- Realign your mind
- Realign your body
- Numerous relaxation
- Meditative exercise
- Sleep guide
- Track your progress
- Record your feelings
- Breathing techniques
- Sound sleep
- Improve sleeping pattern
- Daily Meditation
If you’re interested in setting the daily meditation schedule and reminder for you then this is the right app for you. Analyse your progress from the report provided for you to discover areas that needs improvements
Some of the Features
- Compare today’s report with yesterday’s
- Track your progress
- Connect with other yoga and meditation users
- Build great mediation habit
- Connect with the meditation community
- Easy to use
Meditation Apps best to get you through difficult times
- Calm
This is an editorial choice meditation app. It covers a wide range of issues regarding the body and soul. The app teaches how to control anxiety, manage stress, improve concentration. It does a full body scan and teaches how to develop better behaviour traits with children. There are lots of bed time stories for good quality sleep. The master classes are taught by renowned experts.
Some of the Features:
- Meditation
- Daily streaks
- Easy to use
- Soothing UI
- Sleeping
- Relaxation
- Bedtime stories
- Breathing techniques
- Music to relax
- Mindfulness tutorial by top psychologist
- Mental health experts
- Beginner’s level
- Advanced level
- Anxiety control
- Stress management
- Aware
The mindfulness aware app could help train your mind and body for a healthier lifestyle in a short period. There are various courses in areas such as:
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Focus
- Sleep
- Happiness
- More
You will learn how to:
- Relief stress
- Get a good rest
- Calm your mind
- Improve self esteem
Energise is a short session you will receive to calm your mind throughout the day. Exercises to practise are also provided after completing the course.
Some of the Features:
- Guides are prepared by experts and health care professionals
- Meditate on different topics
- Special breathing tools attack anxiety
- Practise with a single session for waking up, walking and more.
- 24/7 support
- Curated programme
Meditation Apps best to get you through difficult times
In Conclusion
Congratulations, you’re on your way to living a fulfilled life. The main thing about life is having a piece of mind. My definition of peace of mind is being in control of whatever situation we find ourselves in, peace of mind means the mind is clear of worries and then coming up with a solution to whatever problem will be easy to find.