How Do I Secure My Phone From Hackers

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This article will explain how to detect that your phone might have been hacked. Smart phones are designed to be very smart, but I can tell you that in this day and age hackers are becoming smarter therefore you want to be careful to make sure that sensitive information on your smart phone are not exposed thereby causing you big problems or even giving you a heart attack.

Constant Automatic Reboot

If your phone constantly reboot itself then it could be a possibility that your phone has been hacked. If this is the case, then the question will be, what shall I do?  Well, you will have to take it to the mobile operator, they should fix it and tell you the cause in some cases it could be a technical fault which could mean getting a new smartphone.

Unfamiliar Apps

Do you notice any unfamiliar apps on your phone? If you do then you need to do more digging about such an app. It could be an app installed by the phone manufacturer or your service provider, find out and decide if it’s an app you want to keep.

Unfamiliar Numbers

The next thing to do is to go through your contact list and try and see if you can identify any unknown number. If the Hacker has access to your phone they could be using your phone to make expensive phone calls. You’ll be slapped with a huge bill, which is bad, but not as bad as discovering that all your data has been moved from your smart phone to another phone. The same thing goes for your text messages, you should go through your text messages and see if there’s an unusual text message that was sent from your phone just like the phone calls.

Spike in Mobile data usage

Another thing to look out for is the unusual usage of mobile data if this happens and you’re 100% sure that you’re not the one nor your family members using your data or your friends. It could mean that your phone might have been hacked. This means that you are going to get extra charges for data usage on your next bill.

Strange Voice.

If you hear a strange voice in the background whilst having a conversation on the phone, it could be a red flag. You need to first of all establish that it’s not a signal failure, if it’s not and this seems to be on going then you need to take further action by checking that nothing strange has happened to your phone by going through the points listed above. Strange voice could mean someone eavesdropping on your conversation.




Author: appleguide

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